- Updated Kehaan Advancements
- Added ParkerMc’s Coins
- Added Blank Coins Resourcepack
- Changed icons for support quest
- Added a new Pokehaan Craft 2 – Lite support quest
- You now get a coin for completing some quest. You can craft this coin into either a “Create Amnesia” or “Extend Amnesia”
- Fixed 1 quest not working
- Smaller GUI changes in the quest book
1.3.7 Changelog:
Updated KehaanAdvancements-1.12.2-1.1.1 (1 new quest)
Updated FishBonanza-1.12.2-1.1.0 (25 new fish)
- Other small bug fixes
1.3.8 Changelog:
Updated KehaanAdvancements (1 new support quest for my new Stardew Valley modpack “A World Of Dew”)
Updated FishBonanza