Updated KehaanNPCTrader-1.16.5-1.1.0
- Fixes a bug where trades did not work.
Updated KehaanNPCTrader-1.16.5-1.2.0
- Fixed another bug, with trades. Now they should work.
New update to “Morning Dew” is out. This adds a new “[AT] Kehaan Paintings” mod, that adds new paintings ingame.
Description of the mod: “This mod is using the mod Alternative Textures, to add new textures to paintings in Stardew Valley. The paintings is paintings of the art from many of Kehaan’s modpacks from Minecraft and Stardew Valley. More paintings will be added over time. Right now there is paintings from “Morning Dew”, “Farming Valley”, “Amnesia”, “TrollCraft”, “CrundeeCraft”, “Fire In The Pipe”, “Pokehaan 1”, “Pokehaan 2”.
When placing one of these paintings there is a chance, it is using the textures from one of the paintings this mod adds. You can also buy a “Paint Bucket” from “Robin’s Store” which lets you left click on a painting, and you can then select the texture you want. You can also buy a “The Texture Catalogue“, and you can see a full overview of the furniture that can be changed.”
This mod is letting you change the texture of the following paintings:“‘1000 Years From Now'”, “‘1000 Years From Now'”, “‘Land Of Clay'”, “‘Clouds'”, “‘The Serpent'”, “‘Three Trees'”, “‘A Night On Eco-Hill'”, “‘Boat'”, “‘Burnt Offering'”, “‘Frozen Dreams'”, “‘Highway 89′”, “‘Kitemaster ’95′”, “‘Pathways'”, “‘Physics 101′”, “‘Primal Motion'”, “‘Red Eagle'”, “‘Spires'”, “‘Sun 44′”, “‘Sun 45′”, “‘The Muzzamaroo'”, “‘Tropical Fish 173′”, “‘Vanilla Villa'”, “‘VGA Paradise'”, “‘Vista'”, “‘Volcano’ Photo”, “Calico Falls”, “Foliage Print”, “Mounted Trout” “Pig Painting”, “Pig Painting”, “‘Solar Kingdom'”, “‘Portrait Of A Mermaid'”, “‘Jade Hills Extended'”, “‘Jade Hills'”, “‘Queen of the Gem Sea'”.
Full Changelog:
Added Alternative Textures
Added [AT] Kehaan Paintings
Updated Automate
Updated Content Patcher
Updated Lookup Anything
Updated Tractor Mod
1.2.1 Changelog:
Added Berry Season Reminder
Removed Better Chest, as it was not working.
Wondering how to teleport to another dimension (overworld, end, the nether or modded dimension) using a command? You can use the following command:
/execute in [dimension] run tp ~ ~ ~
If you use “tab” when writing where the dimension should be, you can select which dimensions there is to teleport to:
In the example here i teleport to the end:
Example of some commands:
/execute in minecraft:the_end run tp ~ ~ ~
/execute in minecraft:the_nether run tp ~ ~ ~
/execute in minecraft:overworld run tp ~ ~ ~
Hello everyone!
Time for another update to “Pokehaan Craft 2”. The pack is nearly at around 450.000 downloads on Curse, wohooooo!!! Thank you.
This update is mainly a update that adds some quality of life improvements, like being able to see at which Y level different ores spawn at. There is as always new Pokehaan Egg drops too.
One of the new endgame features added, is a “Kehaan NPC Trader”. This Trader is placeable in your base. Once you click on the NPC, a trade window will open. This window lets you in this update do some trades for some of the singularities, and instead of doing lots of crafting. You can create some new EMC Singularities that is used for the trading as currency. In new updates more and more trades will be added to the NPC. So be sure to check back once in a while with every new monthly update to the Minecraft modpack.
Thank you once again for all the downloads of the modpack, i appreciate it a lot.
Continue readingIt is time for anothe monthly update to “Pokehaan Craft 2”. New Dungeons now spawns all around the world. These dungeons have a lot of chest with loot. These chest have a lot of different stuff in them, but one big part of these new dungeons is the chance of prosperity shards, prosperity ingots and even more rare Prosperity Ingot Blocks! And if you are even more lucky, there will also be Prosperity Seed bases! Now there is finally a reason to have good armor/weapons.
I also added the “Storage Drawers” mod, that lets you store items/blocks in them.
Next content update (1.6.0) will be out on March 1st.
Full Changelog:
Updated Controlling-
Updated CraftTweaker-1.16.5-
Updated KehaanAdvancements-Pokehaan2-1.16.5-1.0.3
Other Changes:
Changelog for 1.5.1:
Changelog for 1.5.2:
Updated KehaanAdvancements-Pokehaan2-1.16.5-1.0.4
New update to “Pokehaan Craft 1” and “Pokehaan Craft 1 – Lite”. This update adds a new socialmedia quest book tot he pack. I have no plans on adding real quest to the pack, as the successor “Pokehaan Craft 2” is out, that have a full quest book. I from now on, with Pokehaan Craft 1 only plan on bug fix updates, as my main focus is “Pokehaan Craft 2” and other new modpack projects.
SCROLL DOWN FOR 1.4.1 & 1.4.2 Changelog
Hello everyone. The update for January is out now to “Pokehaan Craft 2”. The update is out on Curse and ATLauncher.
I had hoped to add some new bigger mods to the pack this month. But decided to first do another performance update to the modpack, before doing that. So hopefully new content mods should be added next month.
This update focus mainly on new Pixelmon update with new Gyms/towns/pokemons. New pokemons in the eggs. But also performance. Doing testing it seems like these changes added much more FPS to the pack, so hopefully this helps everyone. Main change was adding rubidium, which is a optimize mod like “Optifine”. Optifine have a lot of issues/bugs with this modpack. But Rubidium seems to have much better compactibility with the modpack. I also did other smaller tweaks.
I also added lootr. The chest found in dungeons etc, now will look similiar to below. This mod is mainly good for servers, as now multiple people can open the same chest for the first time, and get loot. Before only the first one that found the chest would get the loot. This have been a highly requested mod to the pack.
Thank you also for all the downloads of the modpack. New content update is out next month. I also plan next month to add one new trophy to the “Pokehaan Champion” quest line.
Added lootr-1.16.5-
Added rubidium-mc1.16.5-0.2.13
Updated inventorypets-1.16.5-2.0.20
Updated supermartijn642corelib-1.1.16-forge-mc1.16
Updated supplementaries-1.16.5-0.18.5
Updated Pixelmon-1.16.5-9.1.10-universal
to become unresponsive./wiki
and /checkspawns
failing to work on Treasures of Ruin Pokémon due to their hyphenated name format./locate
flooding water-based structures such as the Magikarp Boat.OutOfMemoryError
server crashes caused in attack animations using Leap Forward by disabling their use case./battletests
failing due to Shedinja, Focus Sash, Clangorous Soulblaze, Overworld weather and Form change tests, fixing relevant bugs associated with their use cases.Other Changes:
1.4.1 Changelog:
Updated PokehaanCraftAdditions-1.16.5-1.6.0
Other Changes:
1.4.2 Changelog:
Hello everyone
New month, new update. I had other plans mainly for this month, but had to change them because of IRL stuff. So the main focus on this month update is performance, and the big Pixelmon update. That adds new Pokemons, Gyms and much much more.
Another update is out on January 5th. In a new year, and a new world to explore 🙂
Full Changelog:
Continue readingAnother month, another update. This update main focus is about tech. A lot requested better power creating, and storage of power. So now you can make reactors, that should be able to not need thousand of dynamos. I also added tesseract, so you can transfer power over distance. Another new thing in this update is the start of the “Impossible” quest chapter. Completing these quest gives you trophies to display. More quest for this chapter, will be added in next December update.
There is also new generation of Pokemons, to hatch in the “Pokehaan Eggs” and “Unstable Eggs”
I was not able to fix all the issues we had with a new version of Pixelmon, sorry. So look forward to that next month, where there will be new pokemons, gyms and more.
Next content update out December 1st.
Added biggerreactors-1.16.5-0.5.1
Added tesseract-1.0.35a-forge-mc1.16
Added FastWorkbench-1.16.5-4.6.2 (Performance updates for crafting)
Added rftoolsbase-1.16-2.1.5
Added rftoolspower-1.16-3.0.14
Updated supermartijn642corelib-1.1.15-forge-mc1.16
Updated BotanyTrees-1.16.5-3.0.12
Updated CraftTweaker-1.16.5-
Updated pixelmongo-1.16.5-3.0.10
Updated PokehaanCraftAdditions-1.16.5-1.4.5
Updated ProjectExpansion-1.16.5-1.0.41
Updated KehaanPets-1.16.5-1.2.1
Other changes:
Thank you for over 100.000 downloads of “Pokehaan Craft 2” on @CurseForge
There will be lots of new quest in the November 1st update for “Pokehaan Craft 2” 😀
Tweet: https://x.com/KehaanDK/status/1717911528824074456?s=20
This is the “Builder Update” to “Pokehaan Craft 2”. Decorations/builders wand etc, have been some of the most requested things to get added to the pack. So the first content update, is all about that. Next big content update will be out on November 1st. Plan so far is that November 1st, will be a “Tech Update”, if all goes as planned 🙂
Added buildersaddition-1.16.5-20210807a
Added constructionwand-1.16.5-2.6
Added chipped-1.16.5-1.2.1-forge
Added supplementaries-1.16.5-0.18.5
Updated appleskin-forge-mc1.16.x-2.5.1
Updated BotanyTrees-1.16.5-3.0.11
Updated CraftTweaker-1.16.5-
Updated chunkloaders-1.2.8-forge-mc1.16
Updated EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.5-7.1.23
Updated supermartijn642corelib-1.1.14-forge-mc1.16
Updated KehaanPets-1.16.5-1.1.2
Updated PokehaanCraftAdditions-1.16.5-1.3.2
Other changes: