Pokehaan 2 – 2.4.0 & 2.4.1 & Pokehaan 2 – Lite 1.2.0 & 1.2.1

This month is a smaller update to the modpacks.

Updated KehaanAdvancements-1.16.5-1.1.1

Updated FishBonanza-1.16.5-1.1.0

  • Adds 25 new fish

Other changes:

  • Changed bug/issues icon in socialmedia quest.
  • Added a quest to “CurseForge Profile” to the socialmedia quest.
  • New drops to Pokehaan Egg, and Unstable Egg.
  • New layout in task book
  • Added 1 new Challenge Quest to craft the coins used for the Kehaan NPC Trader.
  • Other smaller fixes
  • You now “only” need 64 rare candy to complete the first quest in the “Pokehaan Champion” questline, to get the first free NPC Trader.
  • Added a new quest in challenges, to require 2048 rare candy.
  • By completing the socialmedia quest, you now also get the “icons” as a item. These are just items, but you can put them in a item frame if you want to display.


1.4.1 & 1.2.1 (Lite) Changlog:

Added PokehaanGUI – https://kehaan.me/?p=3551

It is enabled by default, but you can disable it ingame, if you dont like it:

Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.2.0 & 2.2.2 & 2.2.3 Changelog

This update to “Pokehaan Craft 2”, updates Pixelmon to a newer version. That fixes a lot of bugs, but also includes new Pokemons and much much more. There is also a new design for tooltip, when you hover your mouse over items, and other smaller changes. I may do another “part” of this update later next month (maybe), if a custom mod is done by then 🙂 Else there will be a new custom mod, in next content update.

UPDATE 2.2.1: Had to downgrade Pixelmon, as there was a big bug, that i did not notice doing testing, sorry 🙁 Will update it again, as soon as they have fixed the issue.

Added Legendary Tooltips

Added Pokehaan Theme (Legendary Tooltips)

Updated Atlantis API

Updated KehaanAdvancements-Pokehaan2-1.16.5-1.1.0

Updated KehaanModPacksBeds

Updated Pokehaan Plaques

Updated PokehaanCraftRP

Updated ChecklistPokehaan_RP

Updated HQMPokehaan1_RP

Udated HQMPokehaan2Lite_RP

Updated HQMPokehaan2_RP

Updated KehaanModPackPaintings

Updated Pixelmon (Full changelog at: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pixelmon/files/5599499)

Other Changes:

  • Journeymap should now display mob icons, instead of just dots, by default
  • Added new drops to the Pokehaan Egg and the Unstable Egg
  • Changed the icons for the support quest

2.2.2 Changelog:

  • Downgraded Atlantis API

2.2.3 Changelog

  • Added Fish Bonanza

Pokehaan Theme (Legendary Tooltips)

Link to Resourcepack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/pokehaan-theme-legendary-tooltips

This is a resource pack for the mod “Legendary Tooltips” by Grend_G.

This resourcepack makes the tooltip themed around Pokehaan Pixelmon. There is 4 different styles of tooltips, that can be used. This resourcepack can be used in any pack. The mod makes it so when a player hovers over a item it will display a special style for the tooltip. Given it a completely new look.

The 4 styles:


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Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.1.0 & 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 Changelog

A new update to “Pokehaan Craft 2” is out now. This update mainly adds Aquaculture2, that adds new fish to the world. There is also new textures to beds, that is themed around my modpacks to both Stardew Valley and Minecraft. FastLeafDecay was also added, to make it so leaves on trees automatic is removed, once there is no wood attached to the tree. Some new quest was also added, and smaller bug fixes.

Full Changelog:

Added Kehaan Modpacks Beds

Added Aquaculture 2

Added Fast Leaf Decay

Updated Atlantis API

Updated Journeymap

Updated KehaanModPackPaintingsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.3

  • Added 1 new painting

Other Changes:

  • Added a challenge for getting all the fish in Aquaculture2
  • Added 2 new quest to Johto chapter about Aquaculture2
  • Smaller location changes to some quest
  • New Pokemons to the Pokehaan Egg and Unstable Egg
  • Added recipe to a Silver Singularity (Crafted with Egg Incubators)
  • Added a challenge quest to craft 1 Silver Singularity
  • Added a challenge quest to get 1 of every tool/weapon/armor of Neptunium
  • Added a challenge quest to get 1 of every fishing rod, hook and fillet knife, from Aquaculture2

2.1.1 Changelog:

  • Added HQMPokehaan2Lite_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.0
  • Other small bug fixes

Added a grey version of the quest book, that is from the “lite” version of the modpack. That will be out soon 🙂 The default purple book is enabled by default. If you want to use the grey version instead, then use the arrows, and move the “HQMPokehaan2Lite_RP” up above the “HQMPokehaan2_RP” 🙂

2.1.2 Changelog:

Updated KehaanModPackPaintingsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.4

  • Adds 1 new painting (From the I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack)

Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.0.0 & 2.0.1 & 2.0.2 Changelog

A new update is now out to “Pokehaan Craft 2”, this update adds some new content to the game, but also improves the performance a lot. One of the mods is “Little Logistics” that lets you make small boats, that can move items for you, auto-fish and much more.

There is also now a new look to advancements, so they are themed around Poke Balls and Pokedex.

A lot of performance improvements was done in this update. Both to server and client. A lot less ram should now be used/needed. And the pack loads much faster, while also giving some more fps compared to previous update. During testing the pack for me loading around 20 seconds faster, and lots of other improvements too.

Smaller changes includes recipes to slimeboots, trapped chest. Smaller exploit fixes and more. As always there is also new pokemons in the pokehaan egg and unstable egg.

Added Advancement Plaques

Added Pokehaan Plaques (https://kehaan.me/?p=3118)

Added FastSuite

Added FerriteCore

Added Iceberg (core mod)

Added LazyDFU

Added Little Logistics

Updated AquaPatch

Updated ModernFix

Other changes:

  • Performance Tweaks in ModernFix, thanks to Landon W, from NodeCraft.
  • Other performance tweaks, you should now get better fps, and much faster loading.
  • Edited some keybinds, and conflict fixing.
  • New pokemons to the “Pokehaan Egg” and “Unstable Egg”
  • Fixed some exploits
  • Added a easy recipe to craft slimeboots (removed EMC on them too, to fix a exploit)
  • Added recipe for the trapped chest (without EMC, because of a possible exploit)
  • Added 2 new quest for the “Little Logistic” mod, in the “Johto” chapter.
  • Tweaked serverfiles.
  • Added HQMPokehaan1, which is the RP for the quest book for the first pack. For those that dont like the look of the second one, they can select the RP, by using the arrows ingame, and putting it on top. By default the second Resourcepack (Purple book) is chosen. I just decided to make this a optional option, to those that want the other book colors. I may also at some point working on a custom feature, to select different colors of the books ingame, but no ETA on that.


Changelog 2.0.1:

Removed valkyrielib-1.16.5-
* It was not used anymore, so removed it, as no reason to use resources to load it, when it is not used anymore, ups.


Changelog 2.0.1:

Added Kehaan Modpacks Beds

Other Changes:

  • Smaller bug fixes

Pokehaan Plaques – New Resource Pack

This resourcepack changes the texture of the plaques from the mod Advancement Plaques
They are changed into to be themed around the modpack “Pokehaan Craft 1” and “Pokehaan Craft 2“. This is themed around the mod Pixelmon, and the plauqes is now textured like a Pokedex, and Pokeballs.

There is 3 plaques, that is for 3 different difficulties of a advancement. The plaques pops up on the screen, once a advancement unlock. They are themed around a Poke Ball, Great Ball and Ultra Ball.

See a screenshot here:

This resourcepack can be used in other modpacks too. And only requires the mod “Advancement Plaques”, but together with Pixelmon, it is fitting much better. As it is themed around Pokedex and Pokeballs.

Link to Resource Pack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/pokehaan-plaques

Pokehaan Craft 2 – 1.9.0 Changelog

Added PokehaanCreativeCraftables-1.16.5-1.0.1

Updated PokehaanCraftAdditions-1.16.5-1.8.0

Updated KehaanAdvancements-Pokehaan2-1.16.5-1.0.6

Other Changes:

  • Added a quest to craft the “Max Raid Den Spawner”
  • Added a new socialmedia quest to check out my second “Stardew Valley” modpack “Dew More Farming”.
  • Increased rare candy amount from the socialmedia quest rewards.
  • Added new Pokemons to the Pokehaan Egg and Unstable Egg
  • Added a trade to the Kehaan Trader, to use EMC for “Prosperity Seed Base”
  • Added a quest in the “Pokehaan Champion” quest line, that gives a “Kehaan Trader”, by completing the first quest. This should make the quest line easier. As the NPC will open up for new trades.
  • Some quest book layout fixes
  • Added recipe to convert old NPC Editor into new NPC Editor
  • Added recipe to convert old Chisel into new Chisel
  • Fixed some quests
  • Added recipes to Poké Bags.
  • Added a quest to craft the Poké Bags.
  • Added more tooltip to the Enchanted Egg, that it can be used every 600 seconds with Rare Candy.