Farming Valley 1.1.6 – 1.1.8 & Farming Valley – Lite 1.1.6 – 1.1.8 Changelog

  • Added Kehaan Advancements
  • Updated Checklist
  • Added Hardcore Quest Mode
  • Added Hardcore Quest Mode – Farming Theme (Day) (Main pack)
  • Added Hardcore Quest Mode – Farming Theme (Night) (Lite pack)
  • Added It’s the little things, now there is a Farming Valley logo and name in the window menu
  • Added 1 new task to the task book (To get all the fish in “Fish Bonanza”)
  • Different mods handled spawning of starting items. I changed it so now 1 mod handles every starting items, which should solve some starting spawn items bugs. Which also makes it so they spawn in the same order in inventory, for every world.

Hopefully wont be long now until Farming Valley 2, shhhhhh 🙂


Farming Valley 1.1.7 and Farming Valley – Lite 1.1.7 Changelog:

  • Updated FishBonanza-1.10.2-1.1.0 (Adds 25 new fish)
  • Updated KehaanAdvancements-1.10.2-1.1.1 (2 new quest)
  • Added HQMFarmingNight_RP_1.10.2_v1.0.0 (Darker look of the HQM book, not enabled by default)


Farming Valley 1.1.8 and Farming Valley – Lite 1.1.8 Changelog:

  • Added Farming Valley – GUI (, currently disabled by default as it was made for the successor. But can be enabled in the resource pack menu)
  • Added HQMFarmingDay_RP_1.10.2_v1.0.0 (Added to the Lite pack, as was already in the main pack. This is optional)

Amnesia – 1.3.6 & 1.3.7 Changelog

  • Updated Kehaan Advancements
  • Added ParkerMc’s Coins
  • Added Blank Coins Resourcepack
  • Changed icons for support quest
  • Added a new Pokehaan Craft 2 – Lite support quest
  • You now get a coin for completing some quest. You can craft this coin into either a “Create Amnesia” or “Extend Amnesia”
  • Fixed 1 quest not working
  • Smaller GUI changes in the quest book


1.3.7 Changelog:

Updated KehaanAdvancements-1.12.2-1.1.1 (1 new quest)

Updated FishBonanza-1.12.2-1.1.0 (25 new fish)

  • Other small bug fixes

Dew More Farming 1.2.0 to 1.2.4, Morning Dew 1.4.0 to 1.4.4 and I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack 1.0.6 to 1.1.0 Changelog

  • Added Fish Bonanza
  • Updated Generic Mod Config Menu


“Dew More Farming” 1.2.1 and “Morning Dew” 1.4.1, and “I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack” 1.0.7:

  • Updated Generic Mod Config Menu
  • Changed keybind of LookUpAnything from Q to F1 (Default option), you can edit the keybind ingame, if you want to use Q.

Follow this guide to change the keybind. Click on “Mod Options”, find “Lookup Anything”, “Find Toggle Lookup” and click on it, and then click on the keybind you want to use.


“Dew More Farming” 1.2.2 and “Morning Dew” 1.4.2, and “I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack” 1.0.8:

  • Updated Fish Bonanza (Fixing some spelling errors)


“Dew More Farming” 1.2.3 and “Morning Dew” 1.4.3, and “I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack” 1.0.9:

  • Updated Fish Bonanza (Fixing some spelling errors, Adds 8 new fish, adds i18n support for translations files and more)


“Dew More Farming” 1.2.4 and “Morning Dew” 1.4.4, and “I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack” 1.1.0:

  • Updated Fish Bonanza (Fixing bugs, content update soon arriving)

Fish Bonanza – 25 new fish (Total of 100 fish)

We have just released version 1.1.0 of our Minecraft mod “Fish Bonanza”. This update adds 25 new fish to the game, which now have a total of 100 new fish!

The update adds the following fish:

Bluefin Tuna, Bocaccio Rockfish, Brown Bullhead, Burbot, California Sheephead, Chillipepper Rockfish, China Rockfish, Copper Shark, Cowcod, Cusk, Dover Sole, Flat Needlefish, Florida Gar, Flying Gurnard, Golden Redfish, Golden Redhorse, Golden Trout, Great Barracuda, Kelp Bass, Ladyfish, Oyster Toadfish, Pearly Razorfish, Porkfish, Rainbow Runner, Swordfish.

You can get the mod here:

Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.3.1 & 2.3.2 & 2.3.3 & Pokehaan Craft 2 – Lite 1.1.0 & 1.1.1& 1.1.2 Changelog

  • Added ParkerMc’s Coins Mod
  • Added Blanks Coins (ParkerMc’s Coins) Resourcepack
  • Updated KehaanAdvancements-1.16.5-1.1.0
  • Removed Collective (Core mod not used anymore)
  • Changed icons for many of the “Support” quest
  • Added a “Support” quest for “Pokehaan Craft 2 – Lite”
  • Added a new Challenge Quest, to catch all the fish in “Fish Bonanza”.
  • Added new drops to Pokehaan Eggs, and Unstable Eggs.
  • Added EMC to the coins, you just craft these coins ones using some recipes. Then you can EMC the coins, and use in the NPC Trader. So a way to make buying/crafting of Singularity easier.
  • The Golden Plush Box is now cheaper at the NPC Trader.
  • Added a new EMC Singularity (Not used yet)
  • You can now buy other singularities from the NPC Trader, more will be added in later updates
  • Cleaned up some config files that was not needed anymore.


Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.3.2 & Pokehaan Craft 2 – Lite 1.1.1 Changelog:

  • Fixed a error with the date on the Pokehaan and Unstable eggs.
  • Fixed a server error with Journeymap


Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.3.3 & Pokehaan Craft 2 – Lite 1.1.2 Changelog:

  • Fixed some text errors, and other smaller issues.

New Fish and Coins – Pokehaan Craft 2 Update Video

New Coin Trading system, and 75 new fish is some of the changes in this update. In this video i show what have been changed in the newest update, and the previous one. As i did not make a video for last update, because i had to reroll some changes. This update adds “Fish Bonanza”, that currently adds 75 new fish to the game. There is also new Coins added, that have EMC. These coins is used for trading, and make it so you can trade singularities with EMC. New quest was also added, together with other changes and bug fixes.

Full Changelog can be found on my blog at and

Fish Bonanza (Stardew Valley Mod Version)


Feel like “Stardew Valley” is not having a lot of fish? Then this mod is for you. This is the “Stardew Valley” version of the “Minecraft” mod “Fish Bonanza” This mod is using “Content Patcher” and is required for the mod to run.

This version adds currently 62 new fish to the game, and just as with the one for Minecraft, the plan is to add more fish over time.

  • 62 new fish
  • Spawn in different places around the world, in different seasons and different times.
  • More fish will be added in future updates (See plans further down)
  • Each fish have a price, some worth more than others.

There is currently the following fish:

Addis Butterflyfish, American Lobster, Angelfish, Atlantic Cod, Atlantic Salmon, Betta, Billfish, Bitterling, Black Sea Bass, Bluefish, Butterfish, Char, Clown Triggerfish, Cobia, Copper Banded Butterflyfish, Crucian Carp, Dace, Dab Drums, Emperor Angelfish, Flame Angelfish, Flatfish, Frog, Goldfish, Gray Triggerfish, Grouper, Haddock, Hake, Hammerhead Shark, Horse Mackerel, Jack, King Salmon, Koi, Loach, Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Monkfish, Mullet, Oarfish, Olive Flounder, Opah, Pale Chub, Parcula Clownfish, Piranha, Pollock, Porgies, Purple Sailfin Tang, Ray, Red Snapper, Redfish, Reticulated Dragonet, Shark, Seahorse, Skate, Snapper, Striped Bass, Surgeonfish, Sweet Fish, Tadpole, Tautog, Tilefish, Turbot.


Fish Bonanza – Minecraft Mod Video

Explore the vast underwater realms of Minecraft like never before with our mod 🦈”Fish Bonanza“🐟. This mod brings 75 new fish to the game (With more being added in new updates). Use your fishing rod, and begin fishing! Maybe you can collect all the fish? Fish Bonanza try to add more Fish to the game, as vanilla Minecraft does not have many fish to catch. This mod try and changes that! 🐠

This mod uses the vanilla fish loot table (minecraft:gameplay/fishing)

All the fish can be cooked, into a fillet. This mod is made for multiple Minecraft versions (1.10.2, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.20.1 and 1.21) so you are able to begin collecting and catching all the new fish.

Link to the mod:

NEW Blank Coins (ParkerMc’s Coins) Resourcepack

Link to resourcepack:

This resourcepack changes the look of the 5 coins in “ParkerMc’s Coins Mod“. In this resourcepack, they are very similiar to the “Farming Valley Coins (ParkerMc’s Coins)”, but without any text on them. So if anyone want a new look to the coins, that is not themed around a modpack. Then you can use this resourcepack.

The 5 coins are changed into a copper coin (10G), silver coin (100G), gold coin (1000G), diamond coin (10.000G) and a emerald coin (1.000.000G). All coins are blank, and no text is on them.

You can see the look of the coins here:

You can see how the quest look ingame, if you click on the images button.

Link To The Mod:

(The mod is required for this resourcepack to work)

You can use this resourcepack in any modpacks, that also uses “ParkerMc’s Coins Mod”

Drawn by Arkadya

Link to resourcepack: