Crundee Craft 1.1.2 & The Golden Cobblestone 1.1.2 & TrollCraft 1.0.4 & Crainer Craft 2-2.1.2 Changelog

Sadly this older modpack had a lot of issues running now. So i decided to go back to it, and fix it. That required some changes to it. But was the only way to make it run again.

  • Updated all mods in the modpack
  • Removed 2 core mods for Buildcraft, that was not needed
  • Removed Fossilsarcheology, llibrary, secretroomsmod (Had to remove these, so it was possible to launch the pack again. Seems like the 1.7 versions of these mods have issues. It did not help with downgrading etc. So only option was to remove to get the pack to run.
  • Removed DoggyStyle
  • Added KehaanModpacksPaintings
  • Fixed serverfiles

The Golden Cobblestone 1.1.2:

  • Updated all mods
  • Fixed serverfiles

TrollCraft 1.0.4:

  • Made it possible to load the pack again (Old worlds may not work)
  • Updated all mods
  • Fixed ID conflicts in enchants, biomes etc
  • Disabled Secretrooms mod
  • Fixed serverfiles
  • Added KehaanModpackPaintings

Crainer Craft 2.1.2:

  • Made it possible to start the pack again.
  • Updated all mods
  • Disabled Orespawn, as was removed on CurseForge.

Crundee Craft 1.1.1 Changelog

Making some changes to serverfiles

  • Fixing a security vulnerability in Minecraft.

Updated CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.4-329

Updated ThermalDynamics-[1.7.10]1.2.1-172

Updated ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.1.5-248

Updated ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.6-118

Crundee Craft: 1.1.0 and Curse

Crundee Craft 1.1.0 have just been released on the ATLauncher, and also added on Curse.

Crundee Craft: 1.1.0

This is a VERY large update, that updates all the mods in the pack. I have decided not to do a full changelog, as its all mods that have been updated to a much newer version of it. Do note old world may NOT work with this update, so be sure to make a backup before updating.

One major change is removing Lucky Blocks, and adding ChanceCubes instead. ChanceCubes is a much better mod, with more rewards and much more stable. Also more modpack friendly.

Hopefully a lot of bugs have been fixed, and hopefully not many new ones added 😛