Fish Bonanza (Stardew Valley Mod Version)


Feel like “Stardew Valley” is not having a lot of fish? Then this mod is for you. This is the “Stardew Valley” version of the “Minecraft” mod “Fish Bonanza” This mod is using “Content Patcher” and is required for the mod to run.

This version adds currently 62 new fish to the game, and just as with the one for Minecraft, the plan is to add more fish over time.

  • 62 new fish
  • Spawn in different places around the world, in different seasons and different times.
  • More fish will be added in future updates (See plans further down)
  • Each fish have a price, some worth more than others.

There is currently the following fish:

Addis Butterflyfish, American Lobster, Angelfish, Atlantic Cod, Atlantic Salmon, Betta, Billfish, Bitterling, Black Sea Bass, Bluefish, Butterfish, Char, Clown Triggerfish, Cobia, Copper Banded Butterflyfish, Crucian Carp, Dace, Dab Drums, Emperor Angelfish, Flame Angelfish, Flatfish, Frog, Goldfish, Gray Triggerfish, Grouper, Haddock, Hake, Hammerhead Shark, Horse Mackerel, Jack, King Salmon, Koi, Loach, Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Monkfish, Mullet, Oarfish, Olive Flounder, Opah, Pale Chub, Parcula Clownfish, Piranha, Pollock, Porgies, Purple Sailfin Tang, Ray, Red Snapper, Redfish, Reticulated Dragonet, Shark, Seahorse, Skate, Snapper, Striped Bass, Surgeonfish, Sweet Fish, Tadpole, Tautog, Tilefish, Turbot.


Fish Bonanza – Minecraft Mod Video

Explore the vast underwater realms of Minecraft like never before with our mod 🦈”Fish Bonanza“🐟. This mod brings 75 new fish to the game (With more being added in new updates). Use your fishing rod, and begin fishing! Maybe you can collect all the fish? Fish Bonanza try to add more Fish to the game, as vanilla Minecraft does not have many fish to catch. This mod try and changes that! 🐠

This mod uses the vanilla fish loot table (minecraft:gameplay/fishing)

All the fish can be cooked, into a fillet. This mod is made for multiple Minecraft versions (1.10.2, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.20.1 and 1.21) so you are able to begin collecting and catching all the new fish.

Link to the mod:

NEW Blank Coins (ParkerMc’s Coins) Resourcepack

Link to resourcepack:

This resourcepack changes the look of the 5 coins in “ParkerMc’s Coins Mod“. In this resourcepack, they are very similiar to the “Farming Valley Coins (ParkerMc’s Coins)”, but without any text on them. So if anyone want a new look to the coins, that is not themed around a modpack. Then you can use this resourcepack.

The 5 coins are changed into a copper coin (10G), silver coin (100G), gold coin (1000G), diamond coin (10.000G) and a emerald coin (1.000.000G). All coins are blank, and no text is on them.

You can see the look of the coins here:

You can see how the quest look ingame, if you click on the images button.

Link To The Mod:

(The mod is required for this resourcepack to work)

You can use this resourcepack in any modpacks, that also uses “ParkerMc’s Coins Mod”

Drawn by Arkadya

Link to resourcepack:

NEW Farming Valley Coins (ParkerMc’s Coins) Resourcepack

Link to resourcepack:

This resourcepack changes the look of the 5 coins in “ParkerMc’s Coins Mod“, to be themed around “Farming Valley“. The 5 coins are changed into a copper coin (10G), silver coin (100G), gold coin (1000G), diamond coin (10.000G) and a emerald coin (1.000.000G). All coins have the text “FV” on them, because of the theme “Farming Valley”.

You can see the look of the coins here:

You can see how the quest look ingame, if you click on the images button.

Link To The Mod:

(The mod is required for this resourcepack to work)

You can use this resourcepack in any modpacks, that also uses “ParkerMc’s Coins Mod”

Drawn by Arkadya

Link to resourcepack:

Pokehaan Theme (Legendary Tooltips)

Link to Resourcepack:

This is a resource pack for the mod “Legendary Tooltips” by Grend_G.

This resourcepack makes the tooltip themed around Pokehaan Pixelmon. There is 4 different styles of tooltips, that can be used. This resourcepack can be used in any pack. The mod makes it so when a player hovers over a item it will display a special style for the tooltip. Given it a completely new look.

The 4 styles:


Continue reading

Pokehaan Craft 2 – 2.1.0 & 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 Changelog

A new update to “Pokehaan Craft 2” is out now. This update mainly adds Aquaculture2, that adds new fish to the world. There is also new textures to beds, that is themed around my modpacks to both Stardew Valley and Minecraft. FastLeafDecay was also added, to make it so leaves on trees automatic is removed, once there is no wood attached to the tree. Some new quest was also added, and smaller bug fixes.

Full Changelog:

Added Kehaan Modpacks Beds

Added Aquaculture 2

Added Fast Leaf Decay

Updated Atlantis API

Updated Journeymap

Updated KehaanModPackPaintingsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.3

  • Added 1 new painting

Other Changes:

  • Added a challenge for getting all the fish in Aquaculture2
  • Added 2 new quest to Johto chapter about Aquaculture2
  • Smaller location changes to some quest
  • New Pokemons to the Pokehaan Egg and Unstable Egg
  • Added recipe to a Silver Singularity (Crafted with Egg Incubators)
  • Added a challenge quest to craft 1 Silver Singularity
  • Added a challenge quest to get 1 of every tool/weapon/armor of Neptunium
  • Added a challenge quest to get 1 of every fishing rod, hook and fillet knife, from Aquaculture2

2.1.1 Changelog:

  • Added HQMPokehaan2Lite_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.0
  • Other small bug fixes

Added a grey version of the quest book, that is from the “lite” version of the modpack. That will be out soon 🙂 The default purple book is enabled by default. If you want to use the grey version instead, then use the arrows, and move the “HQMPokehaan2Lite_RP” up above the “HQMPokehaan2_RP” 🙂

2.1.2 Changelog:

Updated KehaanModPackPaintingsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.4

  • Adds 1 new painting (From the I Created A Stardew Valley Modpack)

How To Create Stardew Valley Modpacks

In this video, i will show you how to create a “Stardew Valley” modpack on CurseForge.

All the links i used in this guide, can be found on the modpack page at:

This video contains informtion on which software you need, installations, creating the modpack. Adding mods to it, understanding the console, editing configs. But also setting up the modpack on the author panel, which includes the description, screenshots, links and more. I will also show finally how to upload the modpack, and release it, and making updates to it. I hope you all want to try and make and release “Stardew Valley” modpacks on CurseForge.

I may make more videos like these in the future, for Minecraft too.

Amnesia Plaques – Resourcepack

This resourcepack changes the texture of the plaques from the mod Advancement Plaques
They are changed into to be themed around the modpack “Amnesia“. This is themed around the modpack Amnesia, and the plauqes is now textured into a purple color, with broken textures.

There is 3 plaques, that is for 3 different difficulties of a advancement. The plaques pops up on the screen, once a advancement unlock. They are themed around Amnesia. They are purple and with broken textures. But also to make it seem like the game forgets parts of the texture of the plaques, to fit with the theme of the modpack.

This resourcepack is currently for 1.12.2 and 1.16.5.

See a screenshot here:

This resourcepack can be used in other modpacks too. And only requires the mod “Advancement Plaques”.

CurseForge link to the resourcepack:

Pokehaan Plaques – New Resource Pack

This resourcepack changes the texture of the plaques from the mod Advancement Plaques
They are changed into to be themed around the modpack “Pokehaan Craft 1” and “Pokehaan Craft 2“. This is themed around the mod Pixelmon, and the plauqes is now textured like a Pokedex, and Pokeballs.

There is 3 plaques, that is for 3 different difficulties of a advancement. The plaques pops up on the screen, once a advancement unlock. They are themed around a Poke Ball, Great Ball and Ultra Ball.

See a screenshot here:

This resourcepack can be used in other modpacks too. And only requires the mod “Advancement Plaques”, but together with Pixelmon, it is fitting much better. As it is themed around Pokedex and Pokeballs.

Link to Resource Pack here: